Why Project Heart?
In 2021, Cody was like countless other dedicated competitive cyclists, training in pursuit of his best self and targeting some of the biggest races on the North American circuit.
When a chest x-ray for bothersome, but not debilitating, shortness of breath discovered a possible anomaly with his heart, he thought little of it. However, as more comprehensive tests, such as an echocardiogram and a CT scan were ordered, he started to wonder what may have been discovered. He’ll never forget the first time he received the formal diagnosis:
“You have an ascending aortic aneurysm.”
What followed was months of shock, denial, frustration and fear. How could an individual on the top of their game, with no history of heart disease, receive a diagnosis like this? The internet proved an elusive place to find answers, with many Google searches on aortic aneurysms pulling results on elderly and sedentary populations.
Cody ultimately underwent open-heart surgery on December 5th, 2022, to remove the diseased aortic tissue and replace it with a synthetic tube, called a graft.
In the months following his surgery, Cody began sharing his story on social media, in hopes that a young and/or athletic individual who may be facing a similar challenge would find some comfort and hope - something Cody desperately wanted when he received his news.
What followed was an outpouring of engagement from heart patients around the world, thanking him for going public.
“It wasnt until your story came across my own recovery reading that I really started to make an effort to learn about heart conditions other than my own”
“Very cool initiative. Thank you for helping to make a difference in the lives of many”
“Thanks for all your advocacy work and using your story to make for a positive change!”
“Thank you for sharing and inspiring so many”
“Thank you for bringing together a community of hearts through Project Heart”
“I have been telling my spouse about you and your return to competitive biking to give him encouragement that he can get better and live the active lifestyle he had before surgery”
At the same time, Cody felt he was reading more and more stories about world-class cyclists who were facing forced retirements due to cardiac complications - in some instances, resulting in cardiac arrest. It left him with a belief that everyone, be they heart patients or not, stood to learn a little bit more about the heart, and the complications one can face.
The Pillars of Project Heart
Cody formally launched Project Heart in February of 2024, which is Heart Month in both Canada and the United States. The Project formally encapsulated his grassroots efforts of education, awareness raising, support and fundraising.

Education and Awareness Raising
Being members of the cycling community does not make us immune to a heart-related diagnosis. Through targeted activities, Project Heart is educating individuals about the risks of conditions related to the heart, and how to incorporate heart-healthy habits into their training and racing.
Want to learn more about the heart, and heart-healthy habits? Connect with Cody today to bring Project Heart to your community!
Supporting Heart Patients
Despite significant advances in cardiac care, medical conditions related to the heart are not well understood by the general population, resulting in individuals suffering in silence. Through one-on-one conversations, group discussions, and publicly sharing the human experience side of my story, Project Heart is supporting current and future heart patients to recognize that a heart-related diagnosis does not have to be the end of life as one knows it.
Are you a heart patient struggling with your diagnosis? Connect with Cody to share your story with a fellow heart patient!
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is Canada's premier cardiac centre, and through both research and treatment, plays an important role in improving outcomes for heart patients. Project Heart provides unique experiences (such as the Project Heart Fundraiser Jersey) for individuals to financially support the Centre.
Want to support Project Heart’s mission to fundraise for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute? Donate here!
What are Heart-Healthy Habits?
Everyone, be they heart patients or just passionate athletes, stands to learn a little bit more about their hearts - its basic functions, the range of conditions that can affect it, and how to mitigate and better prepare for some of these challenges.
Heart healthy habits are small, everyday changes that you can adopt to ensure you are doing everything in your power to keep your heart happy, and be prepared in the event you face a heart related complication. They can be as simple as reminding you to wear your heart rate strap when heading out for a ride, or learning CPR.
At the end of the day, for so many of us, sports are a passion. Project Heart seeks to ensure we can continue to do what we love to the fullest extent possible while being prepared for any bumps we may encounter along the way.
Are you a shop, cafe, clinic, club leader or team manager who wants to learn more about the heart, and how to incorporate heart healthy habits into riding and training? Reach out to Cody today to explore how to bring Project Heart to your community!
Project Heart is grateful for the incredible support of key cycling industry partners, including: